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Ukrainian artist Oleg Kufayev was a mechanical engineer in Kiev. He moved to America over three decades ago, creating art inspired by the still lifes of Vincent Van Gogh. Still lifes to Kufayev are the most enjoyable model. He seeks to communicate the beauty of the world through his impressionistic paintings. While self-taught, Kufayev studied at Parsons School of Design. 

He currently resides in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. 



Selected Exhibitions:

Introducing Myself. Podval Gallery, Brooklyn

Russian Traditions: figures. Orange Bear Gallery, New York

Magic Signs. Orange Bear Gallery, New York

Spring’s 99. Marlen Gallery, New York

Anniversary Rotation. Marlen Gallery, New York

Plan for Peace. The Times Square Gallery, New York

Towards the Next Millennium. Charas Gallery, New York

American Portraits. Tassinary Galzature, Bologna 

Spring 2000. Charas Gallery, New York

International Art show. Nosotros, New York

Full Moon. Asociacion Tepeyac, New York

Art Show, Fall’s 2001. Charas Gallery, New York

Galeria Alfa. Trogir, Croatia

Portraits. Mimi Ferzt Gallery, New York



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