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Community by Lorena Garcia Acrylic Painting 36 x 48 in $4K APR w/ CoA


 An original painting by Argentinian- Cuban artist, Lorena Garcia from 2023. "Community Canvas: A Collective Collage" celebrates the diversity and unity of shared experiences. Each brushstroke, color, and texture represents a unique voice contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the community. From individuals of all backgrounds coming together, this collaborative artwork embodies the collective spirit and creative energy that binds us.


Lorena Garcia is a Washington D.C and New York based contemporary visual and musical artist. She began painting at a young age and continued to develop her craft while working for one of the largest contemporary art museum in the United States located in Potomac, Maryland. Her greatest influences were the contemporary artist she surrounded herself with in the museum such as Charles Ray, Tacita Dean, Arthur Jafa, Richard Serra, and Kerry James Marshall. Lorena is also a part of the vibrant Latin American community where she dances the Latin dances Salsa and Bachata. She left DC in 2024, to pursue apprenticeship and art education in New York. 

Appraisal Value: $4,000.00
Our Price: $1,495.00


Specifications of Painting


Lorena Garcia




Acrylic on Canvas



Country / Origin:

United States

Frame Type:


Dimensions without Frame:

Approx. 48" inches (wide) x 36" inches (high)

Dimensions with Frame:



Acrylic on Canvas





Appraisal Value:

Comes with 4K Certified Insurance Appraisal Certificate



Community by Lorena Garcia Acrylic Painting 36 x 48 in $4K APR w/ CoA

SKU: L_564
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